woensdag 6 mei 2015

April Favourites 2015

If you have read my last post, you may remember I thought March was a bit fussy. And although in many ways April has been better, I still feel a bit out of place. It still feels weird not knowing in which direction I’m heading, I don’t even know how next month is going to be like. This of course is normal, however, I can’t seem to get peace with not knowing. I don’t know where to start. I have a million ideas floating around my head, trillion thoughts that I do not seem to need. I can honestly say it’s a bit of an unorganized mess there, because even though there are a million ideas in there, the ideas are hard to catch.
So now the month May has arrived, I decided to do everything in my ability to create some sort of order. I bought myself a desk planner, to-do lists written on pieces of paper everywhere do not seem to do it. I made so mindmaps of various topics, in the hope I could catch some of the ideas on paper and I believe I did so.
            Another thing, I want some more posts up on this blog. Tomorrow I will make a start with translating the story (creative writing) I have promised to put up, so it definitely will not take too long anymore, I hope.
On to April Favourites:
Face cleansers: Garnier micellair water & Ultrabland (Lush): I’ve been using these two as a team to get my makeup off, and so far so good. I barely have to rub, gently swiping the makeup of is sufficient. My face is perfectly makeup free after this.
Handcream: My hands are always dry and many hand products often seem to stop working for a while, but till so far this cream still does its job. Better even it isn’t very expensive either.
Shirt: Lately I’m obsessed about turtle necks, I just love the way they look. I already have two of them in my closet and plan on buying more. The reason that this shirt is in my favourites is that I love the stripes it has and that it is white, but doesn’t make me awfully pale, like with so often does to me.

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