zaterdag 27 april 2013

Getting confident?

It has been quite a while that I was on my blog. I could not decide whether I should do a post about “becoming confident” or not. Why? I thought it would be stupid, because I am anything but confident. So what do I know that gives me the right to counsel. But then I thought I could just give people some Ideas on how you could do and how I am going to gain some confidence. My goal this year is to get more comfortable in my own skin and to be more confident about myself.

Lets start!!

Everybody has there insecurities and it’s totally normal. But sometimes those insecurities are not realistic and out of proportion. When that happens it can effect your life and you start hiding for the world outside, that world is to scary, to big. That happened to me, I got to that point where I got scared and I start hiding and stop living my life as I should. I missed out on lots of opportunities. I am 18 years old (almost 19) and I’m done hiding, it’s time to change. I don’t want to waste time on being scared. Who’s with me?

Of course you cant become confident over night. In order to change, you have to change the way you think. Start thinking more positive and believe in yourself (you are worth to believe in), I know it is hard and I know it is going to take some time. (baby steps).

Things I am going to do to change:
  • Getting out of my comfort zone: because when your comfortable, nothing is going to change.
  • Say yes to every opportunity. In the past I would always find an excuse and now I know there is no good excuse to say no.
  • Living more healthy (eat better, exercise). I have no condition and because of the stress, bad food and the lack of eating food I have lost some weight (something I can't afford to lose).

I have no idea if this is going to work, but it’s worth trying, am I right?

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