dinsdag 30 april 2013

Long live the King!

We have a King now in the Netherlands!! After (what I believe are) 100 years of having only Queens it’s a nice change. Although I have to get used to the idea of having a King and therefore ‘Kings day’, but I would love to do so.

It all happened today. The Queen
abdicated the throne and her son took over and became the King of the Netherlands. I thought the ceremony was lovely. Willem (our King at this moment and for many years to come) was wearing such a cape you would see in the movies, the crowns where also what I would imagine from a crown (seen from movies). The sad part was, they didn’t wore the crowns, something I would expect from a crowning (but I’m sure that my imagination took a bit over, I never experienced a crowning before).

I liked the fact that the royal family looked so normal, so like every other family would. I recognized so many things (behaviours) that would also occur in my own family. I know they are all just people, but when you think of them you just think ‘royal family’. But they are so much more, they are people with the same emotions, feelings, thoughts and many other things just like you and I do. I loved to see that they where.

The fun thing of such a day is you can look to all the dresses the people wore to the ceremony. Some so ugly and some so pretty. The dress Maxima (the wife from willem and the new Queen) was wearing, was such a beautiful dress. The collar royal blue looked so nice ad the fact that see was wearing a cape just like her husband was, is such a nice thoughtful detail and fit’s so good at this day.

I loved to experience this unique ceremony (even though I wasn’t actually there, but I saw it all on the TV) on an age where I can actually experience and enjoy what was happening today, if I would have been a lot younger I would just be other things and not paying any attention. I wish Willem and Maxima a lot of luck with the years to come!!!



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