dinsdag 10 maart 2015

Something different on the blog

Hello! What’s going to new here on my blog? Well, it has been something I’ve been thinking about putting on my blog, only I’ve always been a bit anxious about it. But as it is a big part of my daily life, especially since I started my course, I thought perhaps now is the right time to finally share. Can you guess what it is? No? It’s creative writing, as you perhaps know I do a writing course, something I get so much joy out.

A while ago I actually have shared a creative writing piece on my blog before, it was about a monster that I created when I was little (about 4,5 years old). If you are curious, you can read here. However back then it was more of a one-time thing on my blog, now I would like to post a short fictional story once a month. Although I still feel a bit anxious, mainly because those stories probably aren’t perfect, but also strangely exciting for trying something new and to see how this will go.  

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