maandag 7 september 2015

Being in the Czech Replublic for two weeks

 Two weeks in
the Czech Republic, a vacation long waited for. Not exactly what we expected to be. Meaning the first week was a bit stressful, we really had to get into the holiday spirits and I guess because of stressful years and because putting a bit too much pressure on the vacation. Not only that, but my OCD was a bit that got in the way quite often, there was just a lot that triggered.

Now it isn’t that we had a totally horrible holiday/vacation, I still stand with: that we really needed one to wind down a bit, to get away from it all. It just took a bit longer that passed vacation trips.
The time being in the Czech Republic we felt and acted like a proper family again, doing things to getter like card games, going to castle, the city’s and mountains. No distraction from computers, televisions and later telephones (because of the limited time we could use electricity). My head finally got a bit clearer and finally get delving into books (the weeks leading to our holiday I tried many times, but constantly fall asleep and no words stuck with me).

I love getting away from the surroundings at home every now and then, enjoy all the unfamiliar views and distracted from all the thoughts that normally wander through my mind and  pursuits I would normally be doing. Be free to do things you love but can’t do at home, such have long walks through mountains and hills, go to pretty castles and wonder about all the stories that have once lived behind those castle walls, be surrounded by a different culture, different buildings, breathe in that air, live in a tent and have a little luxury so I can appreciate more what you have at home.

It definitely have been better too, not only I got a clearer mind and new motivation to get things going, but also a book full of successes (moments where my worst fears, in terms of my OCD, didn’t come out) that would really help me with my therapy. It means I have some evidence I can use with my cognitive therapy to help me convince my OCD really isn’t that needed. And I needed that, because before I went away on this trip, I felt terrified that my OCD would only could get worse and not better, I couldn’t get my head wrapped around a life with little to no OCD. But now I feel a little more hopeful.

So even though we had a bit of a rough start, we really enjoyed the trip.

I’m now only a week home and the summer weather has now made place for a very autumnal like weather (rain and a lot colder). Not that I mind, as much I wish summer not to end, I do feel excited for a new season so I can get cozy. Our house has now filled itself with the smell of apple pie, in the autumn my dad and I make apple pies out of the apple from the trees outside in our garden, we still have to bake some more, there are still many apples left. 

The view of our second and main campsite.

The first castle we went to was closed

The second last campsite we stood on.

 A day spent in Praque


 Terezin: A place that made me quiet, all the horrible things that have happend in there.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. I'm glad that you had a chance to unwind and reconnect with your family. I love how vacations can bring a sense of peace. I also know that it can be stressful too because it's the unknown. I'm sorry that you have OCD and I hope that you progress well in your therapy.

    1. I’m glad too. I suppose that is what vacations are for and I love that about it too.
      Thank you, I think if I put some effort in and don’t give up I will progress well in therapy.

  2. Such beautiful pictures. Seems like you had a great trip! x

    -Wildfire Charm

  3. Lovely photos. I've been to Prague last year, but unfortunately it was raining so I couldn't explore as much as I wanted. But now, seeing your photographs I want to visit it again. xx

    1. I have the same feeling now when I look at the pictures. I’m sorry you had such bad weather when being in Prague. It’s a shame really, because it is a beautiful city. If I would go back there in the future, I definitely would choose a day less warm. Just so I can be a little less sweaty and have a little more breath when exploring.
      I hope you did enjoy that trip last year a little after all, even though it rained.
