dinsdag 14 mei 2013

Family weekend!!

Last weekend i had my Family weekend. My whole Family on my mothers side was there (that’s 24 people all together).

We stayed up late playing games like hints, who am I and BINGO. We also talked a lot (the chatty family as we are). At first I needed a bit time to get used to all these people, I only see one day a year, before I could be chatty with everybody. But around the second day I felt comfortable enough to be myself, apart from the time I took this big step. That big step I made Saturday was letting al my family members reed the stories I wrote for the selection from the school I wanted to be in (those got me through the first round). Luckily for me they all liked it and I got positive reactions from everybody. During the time they where reading me peaces my head turned red like a tomato, something that happens to me every time I’ve been placed in the middle of all the attention.

I had a lovely weekend, exhausting, but lovely. I can’t wait till the next weekend over five years.

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