donderdag 3 december 2015

London day 1, 21 days until Christmas

As you might know I went for four days in London. About every day I have made a post that will be spread through this month for you to read. Although I have very much enjoyed this trip it has also been a giant step away from my comfort zone and triggered both my anxiety and OCD. That’s why I decided not only to tell about all that was great, but open the door slightly so you can see bits of what goes around in my head. The trip I went on was together with my Grandmother (my mom's mom), an aunt and a niece.
1:00 am, By this time I wished it was 5 o’clock time to get out of bed. I had a hard time falling asleep. Perhaps it was the nerves for going to the plane the coming day (what if my bag is too big? Or if I have to many fluids with me?), perhaps it was the street light shining into the room from both sides, which provides enough light to read a book by or perhaps it were the two clocks ticking (one of which telling me the time every half hour).
4:45 am, finally I can go out of bed and make myself ready. Brush my teeth, wash my face, drink a cup of tea slowly because now I have all the time.

In the car on our way to the airplane, I probably slept for an hour, much needed I don’t know how to get through the day without the slightest bit of sleep. But when I woke up we were in traffic and not near Schiphol.
            We were late, there wasn’t any time to go to the toilet. A shame because I was in much need. Fortunately, I was aloud to bring all that I had packed, nothing needed to be thrown away.
The plane journey was quick, although slightly uncomfortable because of my very full bladder. I can’t tell you how glad I was when we landed and I finally could go to the toilet, even if it wasn’t the cleanest toilet.

Time to buy a train ticket and make our way to London. When we arrived, we first went somewhere to eat, a Hamburger it turned out to be.
Now it was time to go to our Hotel, to drop off our bags. This made my nerves, my thoughts jumped to the worst conclusions. When we finally arrived at the doorsteps there was something wrong with our booking. Only one room was booked, but we definitely booked two. Luckily, this problem was relatively quickly solved.
With our heavy suitcases we went up a narrow stairs to get to our room. It was only a couple of minutes when I discovered several long brown hairs on the bed and towels. This made me anxious, nervous about tonight, let's say this very much triggered my OCD. But lets shall I be honest, my eyes always pick this up very quickly and often sees those things when others don’t even notice.

Alright, don’t think about tonight, right now just enjoy what you are doing. This is what I whispered to myself when we were on our way to Nothing hill, to stroll around a bit go in a couple of shops. It went well, although my lack of sleep started to catch up with me now. Now the adrenaline was mostly gone.
It was this evening I had the most delicious meal. The best soup I ever had, with a delicious garlic bread and as desert very well made fresh ice-cream.

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